Oct 29, 2009

28 Blackbirds at the End of the World

Bandersnatch Books will be releasing my first chapbook, 28 Blackbirds at the End of the World. Some of you may remember this, it was first published as a poem in Scifaikuest and was nominated for a Rhysling Award. Bandersnatch has agreed to publish it in its perceived form, that is, as 28 separate haiku in a sequence. This is how I originally envisioned the work, and I am thrilled that it is being released as a chapbook.

The release date is not yet official, but we are hoping for a late November release. Be sure to visit bandersnatchbooks.com for info and official release date.

The cover art is by Bob Freeman.


Greg said...

congrats, Bruce! that's a great sequence and deserves to be its own chapbook.

Charles Gramlich said...

Very cool! Congrats. I'll certainly want a copy of this. Great cover.

J. Bruce Fuller said...

Thanks guys, I'm really excited about the release.

William Lusk Coppage said...

again, congrats. Can't wait to get a copy.