Jun 22, 2006

Link Ups...

I've added a Writer's Blogs section to the sidebar links, I'm going to be adding some writers that I am currently down with.

The first inhabitant to this section is Charles A. Gramlich. I met Charles at Crescent City Con XX last year in New Orleans, where he is a college professor. Charles has had a few poems in my magazine, The Shantytown Anomaly, so check those out, but definately go to his site and get a copy of his novel Cold In The Light, published by Invisible College Press. It is a stellar read, and is very well written.

On a side note I'd like to extend a personal shout-out to writers Deborah P. Kolodji and Thomas C.A. Royle. I am positive they are the only two people who have been to this site. Ho hum.

1 comment:

Deborah P Kolodji said...

Just dropping in to verify that I've been here!
